We sure do miss seeing and spending time with our friends and having our classes! We wish we could do zoom meetings with them, but when they don't have access to WiFi, a computer or phone, or even electricity, that makes things a little difficult. We've adapted during this time; we're taking hygiene, cleaning, and paper products to our friends because they can't afford it and we're also taking food to them because they can't get to these food distribution places. We're still trying to get our friends who are homeless off the streets, and in the meantime, getting them what they need to survive in the elements.
Continue to pray for us as we adapt and continue to serve. Please pray that God helps us navigate through these unusual times. Pray for our current clients and those who God leads to us.
As a small nonprofit, this is scary times, but we are still doing our part and coming alongside those in need. We know God is with us, protecting us, and leading us in all that we do. We still see His blessings and miracles in the midst of all this uncertainty and hard times.
"THANK YOU!" to all our friends who are praying for us, providing in-kind donations and financial support! You keep us encouraged and motivated to keep moving forward and literally keep our doors open during this time! We love you all and appreciate your love, encouragement, and support! We couldn't do this without God at the wheel and our friends beside us! Thank You!